Sunday, September 14, 2008

Camping in Michigan

August 7-10, Jim and I hitched up the Little Critter & our bikes, and headed north to
'God's Country' to visit family and the lake.
We didn't get out of Sidney before the newly positioned bike rack fell off the back of our camper scraping up Jim's new "fezarri" bike on one side. It was not a good beginning, but we put his bike in the back of the car, strapped the tandem to the back of the Subaru and continued on.
We eventually got to Montague Michigan and the "Trailway Campground." This was not our typical campground with a fire ring at every site, but more like a mini RV park. It WAS, however, right at the edge of the local bike trail... very convenient.
The next day was Friday 8.8.08 - and the opening of the Summer Olympics in Beijing China!
Jim found out ahead of time that this park offered full cable hookup, so we brought our little 13" TV from the kitchen along this time... a first! He was all snug in the camper that evening watching the Olympic opening. I was interested and would have watched, but my sisters were there visiting, and the LAKE was calling me with a beautiful sunset.
I opted for a walk on the beach and watching a magical sunset with my sisters over the tiny trailer and the olympic opening this year... life is short!

Cathy's grandaughter Hannah joined us at the beach too... she even took our picture!

Jim enjoyed some longer solo rides on his bike... exploring the trail and the quaint town. We also took the tandem out every day... here area few pics of the trail and some sights along the way.

*Twisters Ice Cream, next to the park*

*world's largest weather vane*

*one of many dozens of Swans in the area*

On Saturday, we decided to drive up to Ludington to visit Mom & Dad, so they wouldn't have to make the trip down as rain was predicted. We had a nice meal together and played a GREAT game of canasta in which the women won handily!

At sunset that evening Jim and I drove around White lake to the closest Lake Michigan beach area at the White River lighthouse point. It was a nice way to end the day.

On Sunday we took a last ride on the tandem

After packing up, we were on our way...

We drove past the Muskegon State Park, beach & distant lighthouse on the way south...

*close shot of Muskegon Lighthouse*

*Good bye sweet beach! ... until next year!*

We were doing well for time until we heard a loud noise from behind just north of Ft. Wayne, Indiana on I-69...... the driver's side tire on the trailer had given out... shredded. We dug out the spare and wrench and Jim changed it in 15 minutes; a new record! I stood at the back of the trailer hoping the passing cars saw me and would get into the other lane! some did.
So even with our travel difficulties, it was a magnificent Michigan trip!