Saturday, March 20, 2010


Spring came to our world at 1:32pm today. We had another spectacularly warm (66*) and sunny day!  We went for a walk at Tawawa park with Benny - not too far or fast since Jim's ankle is still mending from the achilles tear. We expect  to get the MRI results this week so they know how to continue treatment. 

On the way home from the park we drove thru 'Chilly Jilly's' (local ice cream place) for the first cone of the season!

I decided it was time for a bon fire tonight.  I've had a pile of twigs and small branches set up for a fire and tarped all winter... looks like a rodent found it to be a nice little hut!  Waited until dusk to start the fire, but it was still a little breezy, so i didn't get all of the brush burned - but it felt good to get rid of at least one pile!

I also got some more leaves shredded (from last Fall) and placed in the flower beds, transferred a few Lady's Slipper flower plants and generally got the gardens straightened.  My hands are not happy tonight.  Ibuprofen is calling to me and then: to bed, to bed, to bed she said! 

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